Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Still Alive

Sorry to all of you who follow my blog religiously. Without a working digital camera, I have no photos to share (I have been tipped off that I will be getting a new one for Mother's Day so we'll see if that happens...) I've been plugging away at my French contest duties as it is coming up in less than 2 weeks. We have the second largest number of entries from the year 2000 until the present! So it really is a big job this year. I hope the day of the contest goes smoothly.

With the weather turning warmer, we spend much more time outside now. The boys ride their bikes (we finally sold the trike on craigslist as even Liam was looking way too big for it). All the neighbor kids play together after school until supper time on nice days. I think everyone is trying to adjust to the new schedule.

I'm already thinking about going back to work. It looks like I might be placed at Eagan High School when I return in the fall of 2010. Exactly one year from right now is when I will see the openings and choose either to interview if there is more than one, or simply be placed. Once I find out my final placement, I can start looking into daycare for Liam and before and/or after school programs for Connell. It is going to be quite difficult to coordinate drop-offs and pick-ups for both boys in addition to working fulltime and getting all my planning and correcting done. I am a little rusty as the schedule of being a stay-at-home mom is a little more flexible than what I will have when working. Will keep you posted...

Connell will be attending Highland Elementary School which is our neighborhood public school. We applied for Diamond Path - the International Magnet School in our area -- and didn't make it through the lottery system. We had some hope being number 3 on the waiting list, but were told last week that the waiting list has been eliminated and they will not accept any more kindergartners at that school.

Otherwise I have been keeping up with American Idol and Dancing With the Stars as well as reading a few novels in the evenings.

For Easter we will be going to Owatonna to my aunt/uncle's house. The Boyce family will be there as well.

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