Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our Little Chorus Boy

Our preschool was invited by a neighborhood Lutheran Church to perform at their Wed. 5:45 pm evening service. It was an option (not required), but since Connell was so excited about singing the songs and thought he was going to participate even though I hadn't signed him up, at the last minute I told the director that he would participate. They had several practices outside of preschool that he had to attend. Yesterday afternoon was the actual performance. Since Liam was running up and down the aisles, I ended up having to leave before the church service and Ray stayed with Connell. Connell was extremely fidgety the entire time and yet he made it through somehow. It was a late night for him since the service didn't end until about 6:30, they had refreshments afterwards and then he needed some "down time" when he got home to relax before bed.

Connell is in the back row in the top picture -- not that you could identify anyone if you even wanted to with that small picture! You can see the close-up of him.

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