Friday, January 2, 2009

Yahtzee Mania

We went to my mom and dad's house for New Years Day and Connell played lots of games with my sister, Neysa and my mom. They played some card games like Crazy 8s and Go Fish and also played Sequence (a favorite of Connell's) and then Yahtzee. Connell had played Mickey Mouse Yahtzee about a year or two ago when I picked it up at a thrift store for the boys and yet within a month, half of the dice were gone and the fun was over. So he really took an interest in the REAL game yesterday and although they only played 3 games, he wanted to fill up the entire card (6 games). So this morning he talked me into creating the game at home for him. We found 5 dice from different games and got a cup. I printed some Yahtzee card masters off of the Internet for us. So he and I played 2 games this morning (I won both because I got a Yahtzee in each game and Connell ended up having to cross it out both times). Liam helped me roll the dice.

For those of you who know Connell quite well, this story will seem logical... As he and I were looking together at a map of the Cities this morning, he spotted County Road 25 and announced to me, "Look there is road 25 -- that's the number of points you get in Yahtzee for rolling a full house!" That is what started his begging to play at our house...

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