Monday, January 12, 2009

Lots of Heavy Reading

Last Monday I started reading "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. I fell in love with it and between the next three evenings, I finished it. It was so depressing and yet the story was so compelling, I could hardly put the book down each night. After finishing it, I felt drawn to get Hosseini's second novel "A Thousand Spendid Suns" -- another novel that took place in recent Afghanistan but revolving around strong female characters instead of males like in "The Kite Runner". So I started it on Saturday evening around 7 pm and had it finished by 4:30 pm on Sunday. Yes, that's right -- all 390 pages of it. Unfortunately I have now completed the only books that Hosseini has written and so I must move on to another author after the combined 710 of his pages. Oh, but I just fell in love with his style, the details, the plots, etc.

Today is a snowy day and we probably will stay in. No huge news around the Hagen household.

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