Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Real Life, Computer Virus - oh my!

This week we are back to attending preschool, church programs, ECFE, etc. It is hard to get back into the routine, but really necessary for our sanity!

Unfortunately a nasty computer virus took over our computer on Monday and so Ray worked for hours Monday eve, Tues morn before work, Tuesday eve and even a little this morning trying to get everything cleared up. He still has some stuff to fix, but it appears to be pretty much gone. I am totally lost without Internet use -- I found that out with the 36 hours that I was forced to stay offline. So I started reading again although this book ("The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hommeini) is really depressing and so I have been crying my way through it.

Monday before the computer virus hit, the boys somehow managed to pull an entire curtain rod out of the wall and also totally "cut" the cord to the baby monitor receiver that sits in the basement. So with the computer virus, that made a perfect trifecta for the day!

1 comment:

MILA said...

Hi Clare, I just want to wish you a happy new year. I love looking to your pictures in your blog. Your parent and your sister, it was a long time ago I didn`t see them. I remember them perfectly. And your children, they are lovely. I hardly find time to read your blog, I don´t know how you find time to write in it. Please, write me some letters when you be able to do. KISSES.