Saturday, September 27, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Connell just started swimming lessons this morning through Community Education. We know that most people out there are probably criticizing us for waiting until he turned 4 to start them, but we felt that it was the right time. I (Clare) have never had a swimming lesson in my life and yet I feel pretty comfortable in the water (I passed the swimming unit in 9th grade phy ed by treading water for 20 minutes, swimming the length of the pool using different strokes, diving in, etc.) Don't get me wrong -- I am no Michael Phelps, but without a single lesson I have gotten through life just fine. However, Ray is a proficient swimmer (from lots of lessons as a child) and feels like swimming lessons are a must in today's age and so he is taking Connell to lessons now. There are 4 boys who are all 4 yrs old in Connell's class (so it is a 4 to 1 ratio of teacher to students). Ray said that Connell was pretty impatient as he had to wait for the teacher to finish working with the other 3 boys and even once Connell was so fidgety that he fell off the platform and into the water (needing the teacher to save him). Given all his allergies and prior reactions to chemicals, we felt like he really needs to wear goggles to protect his eyes from the chlorine. We are watching his skin to see if he has any allergic reactions as well. Will keep you posted....

(the photo was taken with Ray's phone -- hence the quality)

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