Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Preschool Program

The preschool kids ended the year with a short singing program yesterday morning. Since there are about 160 kids in the preschool, they create 6 different program times so that only about 32 kids are involved in each. We watched both Connell's class and one other class sing. Then there was a picnic afterwards (although we had to eat indoors due to rain). (Connell is the third from the left in the official St. John Neumann preschool t-shirt which we thought that all the boys would be wearing -- not a single other child worn his/hers! And of course all the girls were decked out in their spring/summer dresses. Sorry the lighting was bad and the picture ended up pretty dark although with Connell's pasty white complexion, he almost glows in the dark! Of the 16 in Connell's class, only the girl in the white dress is younger than Connell and there are some very large gaps in the ages of the kids -- for instance several of these kids are 10 months older than Connell is. With Connell's size, he really does fit right in though so we are happy about that.)

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