Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Chalk Obsession

The boys adore coloring with chalk on the driveway. While Liam was napping this afternoon, I drew a wheel/pie and I kept dividing it into more and more pieces and then Connell wanted to color each section a different color. It turned out very pretty. It is the most gorgeous day here today -- high 70s and not humid at all and very sunny.

Connell had his first visit to the dentist today and he did really well although he has a cavity in one of the back molars. We need to go back next week "to get his tooth fixed" and I am a little nervous to see how that goes. We aren't sure if it is just something that happened by chance or if I have let the kids have too many suckers in their lives (the thing is that given all of Connell's allergies, the only real sweet besides Oreos and frozen soy dessert he can have are suckers and so it isn't strange to have one a day or sometimes two - I'm hoping that isn't the culprit and maybe with a little better brushing that we can avoid future cavities.)

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