Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One of the Three "R"s

Well, Connell has started to show a big interest in writing (or should I say 'riting to make it one of the three "R"s). Although his letters are barely recognizable, I am simply happy that he wants to try. Part of the fun is crawling upon the phonebooks that I set up to try and get him to "table level". ("Booster chairs are for babies" and even "baby" Liam hardly ever sits at his -- he sits right at the table now with us even though it is tough for me to accept that we are through with boosters altogether! :-(

Connell enjoys his "workbooks" with Care Bears, Scooby Doo, Pooh, etc. as he traces the letters/numbers and tries to create them on his own. Of course copycat Liam is always close behind trying to imitate big brother!

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