Friday, January 25, 2008

A Damper Has Been Placed on my Blogging

The cable that connects the digital camera to the computer has been misplaced (and oddly enough my brother-in-law in Oklahoma is experiencing the same problem right now) and so I cannot transfer any photos over. I'm guessing that one of the boys knows something about it, yet they are not revealing any information.

I had Ladies' Night Out this week (8 of 11 showed) and we played a couple of games of "Mommy/Wife BINGO" that I created and with Jennifer's stellar BINGO-calling abilities, we had a blast. Katie and Jennifer were happy with the $10. pots each of them won. The night took a turn for the worse as everyone groaned after I introduced that our next big activity would be a book discussion. I provided the 380 page novel and sticky notes to mark pages and will email the discussion questions and then we will discuss it at the coffee shop on the schedule in May. I guess reading is out of the comfort zone of most in the group. I thought that I wouldn't resort to reading in my life either, but Nov. 23rd that all changed. Incidentally I chose the book All Is Vanity by Christina Schwarz for everyone to read since that was the first of my 35 books and it somehow turned me on to reading. Not to mention that its themes are PERFECT for our group of ladies. Hey and since today marks 9 weeks since I began reading and I have completed 35 books, I guess I am reading a novel every 1 3/4 days or so.

Oh, and in the last 10 days I have read the following...

She's Come Undone -- Wally Lamb 5 stars
The Secret Life of Bees -- Sue Monk Kidd 4 stars
Like Water For Chocolate -- Laura Esquivel 3 1/2 stars
The Da Vinci Code -- Dan Brown 4 stars
Lucia, Lucia -- Adriana Trigiani 5 stars

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