Saturday, January 9, 2010

And back to work I go...

This morning I made a trip to the local post office to send my certified letter to the school district stating that I intend to come back to a fulltime teaching position this fall. The letter was due by Feb. 1st, but since there is no doubt that I am going back, I decided to send it early.

Where I end up is up in the air. The district is currently trying to cut millions of dollars due to reduced funding from the state. This budget trimming will surely affect personnel and so it might require some moving around of other tenured teachers thus affecting where a position is left for me. At any rate, I am guaranteed a fulltime position in one of my licensed areas (Spanish or French) and so I really need not worry except that the job may consist of traveling between schools during the day and/or being a lot farther from our home than I might like. But I am simply excited to be going back to a job in this economy (and who would have predicted this poor economy when I first left back in 2004?!??!)

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