Monday, November 9, 2009

Beginning of November

I can't believe it has been more than a week since I blogged. I guess not too much has been going on. We have had a nice spell of weather and so the boys have had fun playing outside again although they are not as content with their bikes put away for the winter! Had we known it would have been this nice after all our snow in early October, maybe daddy Ray would have kept them down longer.

Ray went hunting this past weekend for the first time in 4 years. He had a nice time although he didn't shoot anything. I warned him not to bring anything home since I despise deer meat even when it is combined with other meats. Yuck.

My parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Saturday and came up to our house for the day. We played games, went to a park and I fixed a simple crepe meal for them. It helped to make the time go by quicker while Ray was gone.

That's the scoop from around here.

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