Friday, May 29, 2009

Halloween is coming...

Yesterday in the car on the way to his last preschool class session (only his end-of-the-year graduation ceremony and picnic remain), Connell asked me what they will be for Halloween this year. I counted the months and realized that with only 5 months remaining, we better get on that! We brainstormed a little and came up with a great idea --- Connell was all excited about it and actually every member of our family will play a part this year provided that I can find a few thrift store items, do a little creative sewing and do some art as well. Problem is that each boy will have their own Halloween party and without mom and dad in costume and attending as a singleton, each costume won't be quite as cute. But as we all dress up for trick-or-treating in the neighborhood...look out fellow Dupont Path residents for the Hagen family! (well, at least the 8 of you that we will see as we hit our 8 house trick-or-treating limit - ha, ha)

Two Cool Cats

There's nothing better than a new pair of sunglasses from the Dollar Tree! Don't the boys look like two cool cats?!?!?!? (oh and some hearty Twins fans to boot!)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Simple Update

Last week I had the pleasure of going to Orchestra Hall with Connell's preschool class to the "KinderKonzerts" production. It was very nicely organized.

Tonight it's out with the ladies' night out group --- supper at Carbone's and then to the Marcus Rosemount Theater to see "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past". Sounds like a good "chick flick".

This weekend we have very few plans (or at least I do, but I am sure Ray has his share of work to get done around the house).

Neighbor/friend/colleague Marta and I have planned a trip (ladies' weekend away) for June 26-28 in Lanesboro, MN. It's about a 2 hour drive from here and we plan to see a professional production of "The Rainmaker" at the theatre there, take some tours (trolley tour of Lanesboro, Niagara cave tour) and check out the scenic trails as well as visit some cultural museums and some quaint restaurants, boutiques and the local winery. I was in Lanesboro back in the 80's with my folks and grandparents and I thought it would be a nice change from the hustle and bustle of the Cities. We're staying at a cute place called Brewster's Red Hotel and the pictures on the Lanesboro website alone are getting me excited for the 48 hour trip (we'll leave Fri around 3 pm and return at the same time on Sunday afternoon).

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

'Tis the Season

Here is why I haven't been blogging much lately. We have been spending about 3-4 hours outside most days. The boys love their bikes and their scooters. They play with all the neighbor kids (and there are a LOT of neighbor kids on our block) or by themselves if the kids are at school or gone.

Regarding the bikes -- both of their bikes were Goodwill specials --- $5./ea. Connell is able to ride Liam's without training wheels, but his own is too high and shaky to go without the training wheels for now. We suspect that within a month or so, he'll have mastered his without the training wheels as well. Liam is a great little rider. My greatest source of exercise during the day is to go to a park with the boys and then have them bike while I walk briskly around on the trails. Connell has to periodically wait for me to catch up, but Liam bikes about the same mph that I walk. I suspect we'll be doing lots of that this summer. It's a blessing that the two bikes and two scooters all fit in the back of the Highlander at one time, so I can take all 4 "vehicles" with us when we go somewhere and we can "play it by ear". They are at a fun age now.