Thursday, November 25, 2010

Time gets away from me....

Sorry I haven't posted in ages. Time just flies by without anything too exciting to report. I've been very stressed at school with the end of the trimester being a week from today. Everyone is scrounging to get make-up work in and I am busy creating final exams and getting everything ready for grade reporting. I did have a 3 week stint with a cold and laryngitis and so I am glad to be over that. I did not miss any school -- I simply loaded up on cough drops and Kleenex and tried to relax every evening. But I have also realized that I talk too loud and strain my voice and will constantly have the voice issues regardless of illness. I am trying to drink plenty of water and save my voice whenever possible. It's hard with some of the chatty classes of 39 students when it's so tempting to shout. But it's hard to believe that the school year is about 1/3 done already!

My school year has been challenging in other ways as well. 1/3 of the students in one of my first year Spanish classes are special education students. Unfortunately I don't get any help a special ed teacher since I am an elective class (i.e. in the core subjects, a special ed teacher will co-teach the class with the regular ed teacher when there is a large number of special ed students in the same class). So I am struggling with these 11 kids many who struggle with English skills (reading, writing, spelling, comprehension, recall issues, etc.) in trying to teach them another language. So I have had lots of concerned parents and special ed teachers and have been having to have constant communication with all parties involved in addition to all my other duties.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

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