Sunday, October 3, 2010

Life in general

Life is going well. The boys are adjusting to school/daycare and I am as well. I have gotten quite used to all the new equipment in my classroom.

I did have a week filled with ups and downs as my ceiling mounted projector quit working in the middle of the day on Monday. Since everything (worksheets, presenting of information, correcting sheets, etc.) is reliant on the projector, I had to improvise for the rest of the day. Then I created a Tuesday lesson plan that avoided its use. By Wednesday I had been able to secure a traveling projector on a cart to hook up and use. Unfortunately I didn't realize that I needed to change the settings on my laptop to use it (mirror imagining or something?!?!) and so I needed the IT lady to bail me out in the middle of the first hour I attempted to use it. Later that same day, the AV guy came and changed the bulb in the original ceiling-mounted projector and so I was back to the old one. He suspects that there is a mechanical problem with the projector and that within a month it will go out again prompting its removal for weeks (shipping it off for repair). So I am holding my breath every day hoping that it won't happen. One day at a time...

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