Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This is the first year that the boys' costumes do not go together. But I did sew and craft them from thrift store finds once again.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Well, not a lot of news to report mid-October. Everyone is looking forward to MEA -- although I am not sure that I will actually enjoy two full days home with the boys now that I am used to not having to entertain them for very long! It's almost mid-term at school and so parents and students are starting to be concerned about their grades. Conferences are only 2 weeks away and so the end of October will be busy when you combine that with Halloween.

Connell has been a part of the "run club" at school which means that certain days of the week during recess, instead of playing on the equipment, he can opt to run around the field a number of times in order to get punches on his punch card. This past week he hit the 10 mile mark and said that according to the chart, he was the first 1st grader to hit that mark -- and there are well over 100 in the grade. Of course not all are so goal-oriented and so most have chosen to just play on the play equipment and hang out with friends instead of continually run. But we are happy that Connell has been getting the exercise while the weather is nice!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Life in general

Life is going well. The boys are adjusting to school/daycare and I am as well. I have gotten quite used to all the new equipment in my classroom.

I did have a week filled with ups and downs as my ceiling mounted projector quit working in the middle of the day on Monday. Since everything (worksheets, presenting of information, correcting sheets, etc.) is reliant on the projector, I had to improvise for the rest of the day. Then I created a Tuesday lesson plan that avoided its use. By Wednesday I had been able to secure a traveling projector on a cart to hook up and use. Unfortunately I didn't realize that I needed to change the settings on my laptop to use it (mirror imagining or something?!?!) and so I needed the IT lady to bail me out in the middle of the first hour I attempted to use it. Later that same day, the AV guy came and changed the bulb in the original ceiling-mounted projector and so I was back to the old one. He suspects that there is a mechanical problem with the projector and that within a month it will go out again prompting its removal for weeks (shipping it off for repair). So I am holding my breath every day hoping that it won't happen. One day at a time...


My mom had been asking for an updated photo of the boys. I realized that the last cute one I had taken was from May 2009 and so I attempted to take one yesterday. This was the best shot of them.

Tiger Scout

Connell recently joined Cub Scouts and therefore is a Tiger Scout. Here he is in his uniform that I helped with (sewing on the patches!) So he and Ray have been busy going to den and pack meetings and other activities planned by the group. He also is taking part in his first popcorn/wreath fundraiser.


This weekend we made the drive up to Villard for Ray's cousin Wyatt's wedding. The boys were NOT on their best behavior to say the least. It was a beautiful day -- crisp and yet sunny. We drove up and back the same day and so at least spending 5 hours in the car allowed us to check out the beautiful Minnesota trees as they change color.