Saturday, April 10, 2010

Job Placement for Next Year

I was called on Thursday and given my job placement for next year. I will be teaching 2 Spanish classes and 3 French classes at Rosemount High School (very similar to the job I had for 10 years prior to my leave - same place, same class load). Given the budget cuts and consequently redesigning of positions in the district, my assignment is bittersweet as one of my colleagues lost her job because of it. The decision was made at the district level and neither the building principal nor I had any say in the matter. For those of you unfamiliar with the public school system and teachers union -- tenure and seniority play into job positions especially in times of crisis. Since I was on an approved leave of absence and have been with the district for 16 years now, my re-entry after 6 years in addition to the loss of some education revenue caused some redesigning of jobs.

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