Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Somewhat back on schedule...

Connell is back in school after his week off and yet Liam is still on break for another week. Combined with the fact that it's Holy Week and all our other plans are canceled, we aren't exactly back to our normal schedule. I am busy with contest stuff -- a record 1040 entries came through my email this past week or so. It was a nightmare setting up a schedule for 1040 entrants. Not to mention that I ran out of certificates (a typical year sees about 700-800 participants max) and so I have had some set-backs in trying to accommodate the large numbers.

The weather has been gorgeous and so we have been spending hours outside every day. That brings its own set of issues -- like reminding the kids of all the rules in playing with neighbors and being aware of cars, etc.

That will have to do for now. Still more than a week until I have a sense for a possible job next year. I will be busy with contest tasks and so the time will fly by now!

Happy Easter!

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