Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just Plugging Along...

Nothing major came from the suspected colds that I blogged about last week. Connell went to swimming lessons on Saturday as normal and we haven't noticed any real illnesses. Hooray.

Saturday afternoon Ray took the boys over to the Wisconsin/Minnesota border and they hiked in a park. They all had a blast. When they arrived home at 3 pm, they didn't have any idea that I had turned all the clocks ahead an hour. We did everything the rest of Saturday on the new time schedule and it seemed to be the smoothest transition ever. Everyone was still up to go to 8 am Mass in the morning. It's still light when the boys go to bed at 7 pm, so I have already put the cardboard pieces in their windows. Unfortunately, last night was SO windy that the air between the cracks blew Connell's piece of cardboard down about 10 pm startling him. He doesn't remember it, but Ray was in there to see what had happened.

Our church has had a retreat the last three nights and so I have been going to that. It's been well-worth the time. Monday I took the boys to my parents' house in Owatonna for the day and so that was fun.

Our digital camera doesn't seem to be working so right now I have no pictures to post. We might need to look into getting a new one.

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