Monday, February 16, 2009


Well, I tried to download some photos from the digital camera and it didn't work and so I will have to have Ray show me on this new computer.

Saturday eve we celebrated Valentine's Day with a supper of salmon, rice and veggies and gave our little presents to the boys --- Peeps and Mylar balloons as usual. They were pretty hyper after the Peeps and chasing their balloons around the house. Connell managed to have his wrecked by bedtime and so by morning it was in the garbage.

Sunday afternoon I talked everyone into going to the Target Free 3rd Sunday at the Children's Museum in St. Paul. We arrived about 3:20 and the boys made it about an hour before we felt like they were overwhelmed and tired from playing. It really isn't worth it to go there when you have to pay full price ($9/person regardless of age) because we would feel like we had to stay all day and everyone would end up regretting that decision.

Today we are just laying low before a busy week of preschool, CAPPstone, ECFE, Bible Study, etc. I have a few presentations to do for the groups this week. My French contest is starting to get busier although somewhere around mid-March is when I will have little time for much other than it.

Once of these days you will get an updated photo of the boys when I learn how to use this new computer.

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