Monday, September 24, 2007

Connell Visits the Allergist

Connell had to visit the allergist today which is required for preschool due to his peanut allergy. We saw a different doctor this time and he seemed much more conservative and proactive compared to the one we saw 2 years ago. He prescribed an EpiPen for Connell to carry with him at all times and for use in case of an emergency. He also recommended antibody testing so that they could see how the 8 main allergens (soy, wheat, tree nuts, peanuts, dairy, eggs, shellfish, fish) are being reacted to from an allergy standpoint. Connell didn't enjoy the blood draw too much since the last pricking he had done was at 18 months for shots. He doesn't even remember that! We will get the results in a few days. All in all we are realizing that even though we have been lucky that Connell's 6-7 peanut reactions have been mild/moderate thus far, that you can never predict the severity of the next one. And even though Liam exhibits no signs of allergies to any of the 8 main allergens, he could also develop an allergy at any time.

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