Friday, September 10, 2010

Back to a crazy lifestyle...

Just finished the first week WITH students and it has been crazy. I am been busy using technology (like creating PowerPoint presentations for the kids, introducing them to international songs/videos on YouTube, learning all about my InterWrite board, posting things to Moodle) and getting to know the students while diving into the material in the texts as well. Add in the work at home (picking out outfits and cooking and cleaning) and things are just wild! Since I have three different things I am teaching and they are all brand new to me (as far as the new curriculum is concerned) and span two different languages, I barely know which language I am supposed to be speaking each hour. I can't get ahead of the game and don't expect to for quite some time. But I do like being back and it almost feels like I never left. Kids are kids and they haven't changed although most of the ones I have now were only in 2nd grade when I had Connell and was last working in the school system! Wow - time sure does go by quickly.

So it's time to pick the kids up at daycare -- Connell got a cold the second day of school and has been snorting and sniffling and miserable ever since. Time to load up on rest and vitamins and hope for a healthy year because it will be VERY hard to do sub plans since the sub doesn't have the use of any of the technology (except for a DVD player) and will be doing 3 different levels and languages.